Minutes of the LFS Board of Directors 10-2-2000

The Board of the Laramie Film Society convened at 12:10 p.m., at Muddy Waters Coffee Shop on 10/2/2000.


Robert Roten - President

Diana Kopulos - Secretary

Casey Wood -Treasurer / VP Children’s Programming

Ali Grossman - Public Relations Officer

David Davis - VP Public Relations


Dustin Richards - VP General Programming

Celeste Havener - VP Fund Raising


The minutes of the last meeting were approved with the change that the Treasurer will arrange to open our checking account and we will need $100 to do so.


No treasury report; we have no actual funds as yet.


Roten has been consulting with Brian Mercer of Trans-Lux and Mike Ito, a Casper cinema developer, and others involved in the movie business. There was discussion about saving thousands of dollars by replacing some of the existing equipment with used, with the possible exception of the seats and speakers, and the fact that large corporations are closing single screen theaters nationwide. Operating as a non-profit group may be the only way a theater such as the Wyo can be run.

The Operations committee will be asked to help complete the cash flow analysis needed to determine the actual worth of the property as a commercial entity. Roten will share his findings with them.


Richards was absent. The Board has met for a strategic planning session as requested by the General Programming Commitee and many of their questions were addressed at that time. The Secretary will respond to the committee via email regarding the questions asked of the board. It was suggested that the committee begin to develop an annual calendar of possible films and series. There was discussion of renting the Wyo temporarily for fund-raising event(s).


Wood is looking into a grant to promote wellness that might be available. It was suggested that we dress up as movie characters for the downtown children’s halloween parade and promote LFS.


Davis is developing a Laramie Film Society newsletter, self sustaining through ad sales, to be distributed city wide and mailed to the new members that we will soliciting at our Oct. 5 public meeting. Grossman has distributed an updated poster for the meeting and sent press releases to the media.


HAVENER was absent/ LFS Tee shirts will be ready in time for sale at the Thursday public meeting.

OPERATIONS: Maryanne Harlow has offered to chair the committee until Spring. (OCT.5 UPDATE: PAM DILLINGER will be the new VP for Operations.)


The agenda for Oct. 5 was the subject of discussion for the rest of the meeting. The board voted to ask for $15. per person for a Laramie Film Society Charter Membership. A handout with information regarding our intial financial needs will be prepared for the meeting as well as membership cards. It was decided, as a fun way to involve others, to let the audience at the meeting vote to decide which spelling of THEATER or THEATRE should be used.. Roten will lead the meeting and inform the audience of our progress up to now, answer audience questions and then invite everyone to break up into committee groups. Tee shirts will also be offered for sale.

Review of the Strategic Planning Session was postponed until the next board meeting which will be Monday Oct. 9 at noon, Muddy Waters Coffee House. The board adjourned at 2 p.m.--dk