Minutes of the LFS Board of Directors, 10-23-2000

The Board of the Laramie Film Society convened on October 23, 2000 at 12:13 p.m., Muddy Waters Coffee Shop


Robert Roten - President

Diana Kopulos - Secretary

Casey Wood - Treasurer / VP Children’s Programming

Pam Dillinger - VP Operations

Ali Grossman - Public Relations Officer

Celeste Havener - VP Fund Raising


David Davis - VP Public Relations


Brett Glass


The minutes of the last meeting were approved.


Wood reported that we have $1620. in our checking account. He is using Microsoft Money for our financial accounts and Microsoft Access for our membership lists.


An initial lease proposal was received 10/22 from Marshall Smith which was distributed and discussed at length. The board still needs to know the exact wording of any deed restrictions and the condition and repairs needed on the Wyo Theater to help determine its current value. Roten and any other inte rested board members will be meeting with the owner of the Wyo here in Laramie on Thursday.

The board voted to look into leasing the Wyo for a 6 month trial period. There was general agreement that being able to show films as soon as possible was important to keeping our large group of volunteers on board.

The board voted to hire building inspector Ben Ramsey from Cheyenne for $600. if it still seems warranted following the Thursday meeting with the Wyo owner.


Dillinger reported that tabling at the INER film was not successful as most of the participants were there for the environmental issues, not cinema. The film crowd at Muddy Waters on Friday nights was also small.

Havener has asked for volunteers for other times and locations to sell memberships and tee shirts. Havener will order more tee shirts as people have requested size LG and long sleeves.

Havener reported that the 11/4 dance at Woods Landing featuring The Haymakers is a go. (UPDATE 10/27 the dance has been cancelled) Kopulos will design posters and tickets (for door prizes.) Grossman will send out public service announcements to the media.

Details of the December Soup and Cinema event was discussed. One of the soups will be vegetarian. Roten will look into renting Duck Soup and Glass will loan use of his 16mm projector. Potters who are donating the soup bowls will have an additional sales area at the event.


There was a time mix-up and Wood was not able to meet with his committee.


Grossman requested that each committee submit an update by next week for the newsletter which should be completed in time for the dance. There was some discussion of the various email lists. All new membership information should go to Wood.


Director Dustin Richards has resigned due to class and performance conflicts. As of 10/23, there is no director. Several members expressed concern about maintaining the enthusiastic volunteers on this committee and all committees.


Accountant Pam Dunnuck has given us some good suggestions for the application. Wood is working on this. The next public meeting will be Thursday Nov. 2, 7 p.m. at the Wyo Theater.

The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.