![[Picture of the Wyo Theater, Copyright (c) 1998 by Robert Roten]](wyo.gif)
Help us support good cinema in Laramie....
And have fun, too! Here's how:
Become a Member
Send a check for $15 and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Laramie Film Society, 3019 Pope Springs Road, Laramie, WY, 82070.
Come to a Meeting
Our next meeting is always announced on our home
page. Please come down and visit; there's no obligation!
Join our E-Mail List and Contribute Good Ideas
Good ideas and public input are important to any community organization.
Join the mailing list at http://www.topica.com/lists/film.laramie.wy.us/
and let us know what you think!
[Note: If you have trouble subscribing via Topica's Web interface,
send a message to film.laramie.wy.us-subscribe@topica.com
to subscribe. The message doesn't have to have a particular subject line
or have any text in the body. If all else fails, e-mail
Brett and ask him to add you directly to the list.]
Volunteer Professional Services
LFS's most immediate needs are for legal and accounting help to set
up the books and secure 501(c)(3) status from the IRS. If you have experience
in any of these areas, any help you can provide will be much appreciated.
Volunteer to Usher, Sell Tickets, Take Tickets, or Sell Snacks
LFS begins operations will need volunteers to staff the theater. Join
the crew, and besides having fun you'll get to sit in on the show, too.
Donate Money, Buy a T-shirt, or Help Us Find Donors
LFS is supported by dues, donations, and fundraising activities. If
you'd like to support the group, please come to a meeting and/or contact
us by e-mail (see links below).
Help Us Write Grant Applications
As mentioned in our draft business plan, applying for grants isn't just
something that we'd like to do; it's something we must do to remain
solvent and meet the IRS requirements. If you have grant-writing experience,
we need your help!
How to Volunteer
If you would like to volunteer to help with any of the above items,
please e-mail Brett
Glass or Bob Roten.
Return to the Laramie Film Society
Home Page
Web space for this site provided by LARIAT,
Laramie's Community Network and Internet Users' Group.
Web page by Brett
Photo of the Wyo Theater by Robert